Welcome to Malankara Marthoma Syrian Church UK Europe Africa Diocese.
The Zone is presided by the Diocesan Bishop Rt. Rev. Dr. Isaac Mar Philoxenos.

The formation of The Council of the Mar Thoma Parishes in Europe (COMPE) was based on the long-term needs of the region. The formation of COMPE was ratified through due process of the constitution of the Mar Thoma Church, Clause 217, at the Diocesan Assembly meeting held in Atlanta, Georgia on 17th April 2010 and confirmed by the Episcopal Synod on 18th May 2010.

UK & Europe became an independent Zone on 01 November 2017. The constitution of the zone was proposed and passed at the Episcopal Synod in January 2018.

The Zonal Assembly is the representative body of the churches and congregation within the Zone. The Zonal Council functions to execute the decisions of the Zonal Assembly.

The Zonal General Body comprises of the residing Vicars in the zone, zonal assembly members, Yahoo Mail Login, office bearers of the parishes (Vice President, Secretary, Trustee Finance and Trustee Accounts), Representatives of the Congregation and Nominated Members.

The zone comprises of 13 parishes and 6 congregations which are supported by 14 Clergies.

Charity Registration No 1175503
Member of Churches Together in England
Member of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland
For information on the Mar Thoma Church, please visit: https://marthoma.in/