Strong Couples lead to Strong Families. Strong Families lead to a Strong Church.

“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” – Joshua 24:15

A good Christian family is one that lines up with biblical principles and one in which each member understands and fulfils his or her God-given role. The family is not an institution designed by man; it was created by God. Men and women are created in God’s image and are therefore equally valuable in His eyes. They are equal in status, but each has a different role to play in a Christian family

Involvement in the life of the church:
Many of our members are encouraged to be involved in the life of the church. They are playing active roles in the worship and working of the church.

The key objectives of this fellowship include:

  • To emphasize the importance of God being the nucleus in the lives of couples.
  • To act as an excellent support system to couples who are going through marital, financial, children or any other family related issues.
  • To enable the church to address the spiritual needs of this generation of couples in a common forum.
  • Leverage the talent of the youngsters and assist them to integrate with the church in an effective manner.